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Market Update Q2 2024: No.5

More wrinkles will shape June - please note the attached announcements in terms of potential July increases as well. We are facing multiple challenges to get things done properly so we appreciate your patience and support. Details below!

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Market Update Q2 2024: No.4

"If it was easy everyone would do it" - waves of adversity continue to arrive and seems the entire year has had one thing or another to manage through (Red Sea etc.). On that note, thanks to everyone for collaborating with us through the chaos and we know you are all having to work extra hard just like we are......Just don't forget that working together we will be better able to manage the cargo and crap. We are here for you so do not hesitate to reach out even just for a chat.

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Market Update Q2 2024: No.3

Unwelcome news first in terms of rate increases and service disruptions in the far east trade - similar to previous times carriers continue to "right size" the trade and push the supply/demand ratio into one that favors them at least in the short term.

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Market Q2 2024 Update #2

Bad weather in Asia, sailing schedules and rates, port and, Ocean Council updates

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Market Update Q2 2024

The Market: The Red Sea situation, Space and Sailing rates, Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse impacts on supply chain and economy.

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Red Sea Update

With the weekend altercations, all the carriers have now re-committed to staying out of the Suez Canal and moving around the horn of Africa.

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Market Q4 Update

Market Update for Q4, Suez Canal,

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Market Q4

Market Updates for Q4. Panama Canal, Cargo availabilities and capacity, Shipping Costs

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Panama Canal Pileup due to Drought Conditions

Panama officials enacted water conservation measures in July due to drought that's causing major pileup in the Panama Canal global shipping route.

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Tentative deal reached between ILWU and US West Coast Ports Employers

Late Wednesday, ILWU and Maritime employers reached a tentative agreement on a 6-year long contract covering all 29 US West coast ports

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Indian Ports Are Maxed Out

Due to equipment upgrades in port and cyclones hitting the coast, India's ports are experiencing a bottle neck at limited open ports. Carriers calling on the west coast of India are dealing with major service reliability challenges amid a severe port capacity strain in the busy trade corridor.

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Slowdowns and delays this week

Seattle port shutdown due to low productivity/ crane failure. Los Angeles and Long Beach Port terminal labor strike are causing delays and vessel backup.

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2nd shift unexpectedly canceled Thursday, now 1st shift today

Customer Advisory - Update on ILWU disruptive actions in Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach

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More Blank Sailing from China

Ocean carriers plan to cancel 50 voyages from now till end of April. This signals the decline in Chinese imports to US.

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Asian Imports at an All Time Low

February 2023 is the lowest of TEU seen since covid following inventory overhang and decrease in consumer purchases.

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Wan Hai faces $950,000 fine under revised FMC settlement over detention charges

Ocean carrier Wan Hai would pay a $950,000 fine under a proposed settlement involving claims it wrongfully charged US shippers detention penalties on 21 occasions in the spring of 2021, according to a revised agreement submitted to the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC).

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3 Things That Matter For The 2nd Quarter

The 3 key factors affecting the market moving forward will be: Vessel integrity/blank sailings and the cost of the disruptions to the customer Port issues with empty returns (as a result of #1) Incoming capacity from carriers in 2023

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Clean Truck Fee for Los Angeles and Long Beach Port

Clean Truck Fee roll out April 1st, 2022. Clean Truck Fund hopes to encourage the trucking industry to invest in cleaner zero emissions vehicles.

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March 2022-China's lockdowns and Ukraine conflict effects on the Marketplace

Updates on Ukraine and Russian conflict and China's lockdown in Shenzhen

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Pierpass Increases at Los Angeles and Long Beach Ports

The West Coast MTO Agreement (WCMTOA) announced that the Traffic Mitigation Fee (TMF) at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will be temporarily adjusted from December 1, 2021, through January 31, 2022, subject to regulatory clearance by the Federal Maritime Commission

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[Update 2.2.22]Container Dwell Fees set to begin... FEB 4, 2022

The Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles have announced and made effective a CONTAINER EXCESS DWELL FEE / CONGESTION DWELL FEE for which the ports will charge ocean carriers for each container that exceeds specific dwell time.

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​What's to follow now the Suez Canal blockage is cleared?

The aftermath of the Suez Canal. What to expect? what are the coming challenges?

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65 Ships Anchored in LA and LB Ports

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Congestion Spread to NorCal

Oakland is starting to see a vessel jam

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Good News: West Coast Congestion May Clear

Good NewsLos Angeles and Long Beach Ports congestion may be cleared by late spring!

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Port Congestion All Time High

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West Coast Trade Report

Nov-Dec TEU counts spilling over to January

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Asia-US Delay Domino

Still feeling the effects of summer Covid Delays causing turmoil on global supplychain.

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Fourth Quarter Updates

Updates on shipping state and patience to see how our next US administration will influence future trade.

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FEU rates above record

New GRI set to push Asia-US West CoastFEU rates above record. #CovidUpdates

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GRI in July 2020

General Rate Increases in the Month of July 2020

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Covid Update # 8

Updates on Countries activities and new protocols.

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Covid Update # 7

Responses of Countries

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