Fourth Quarter Updates


Of course plenty is still up in the air but hopefully this is the quarter where we at least get some clarity on a few key issues (not the least of which, our next President) – which will shape policies and adjustments for some time to come.
Well documented over these last months is the continued operational breakdowns throughout the supply chain - from a lack of equipment, vessel space or consistent transit times to significant port congestion, lack of chassis and truck shortage.

According to the various carriers we have spoken to, they don’t expect this to change anytime soon. Attached a few fun facts and validation from various sources that the pain you are experiencing is not all in your head or “fake news”.

We should all continue to expect a bumpy ride.

Ocean Freight Rates

  • Up until today a real mixed bag carrier by carrier, no carriers are announcing rates but instead quietly adjusting according to their specific market intention
  • Nov 1. HPL and ONE intend to impose GRI at around $400 but no official notice or update is published so far.
  • Wan Hai increase $150 from Vietnam
  • COSCO increases 45’ rates by $300


Demand remains strong for all lanes especially for EPRC and Vietnam. Most of the vessels are fully booked until mid Nov in these regions.

  • Vietnam, Ningbo, Shanghai and Busan are experiencing heavy port congestion with significant vessel delays.
  • Feeder connection in Tianjin is still affected by the port congestion in Busan.
  • Vessel delay in Ningbo and Tianjin is up to 5 days and 14 days respectively and about 1-2 days in other areas.
  • Current space situation for different China origins can be found in the spreadsheet attached.

Equipment Status

  • Most of the China origins are encountering equipment shortage for 40HQ and 40GP especially in SPRC and Vietnam.
  • Equipment supply for certain carriers in some origin become critical and carriers started limiting the space released for certain equipment.
  • Local equipment situation can be found in the Space situation tab as attached.


Featured News at a Glance

Market Update Q2 2024: No.5

More wrinkles will shape June - please note the attached announcements in terms of potential July increases as well. We are facing multiple challenges to get things done properly so we appreciate your patience and support. Details below!

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Market Update Q2 2024: No.4

"If it was easy everyone would do it" - waves of adversity continue to arrive and seems the entire year has had one thing or another to manage through (Red Sea etc.). On that note, thanks to everyone for collaborating with us through the chaos and we know you are all having to work extra hard just like we are......Just don't forget that working together we will be better able to manage the cargo and crap. We are here for you so do not hesitate to reach out even just for a chat.

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Market Update Q2 2024: No.3

Unwelcome news first in terms of rate increases and service disruptions in the far east trade - similar to previous times carriers continue to "right size" the trade and push the supply/demand ratio into one that favors them at least in the short term.

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Market Q2 2024 Update #2

Bad weather in Asia, sailing schedules and rates, port and, Ocean Council updates

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